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Class Descriptions


Restorative Yoga

How do you feel at the end of the day either in the work place or at home raising your children?  Let us help you restore balance to your life.  We will explore the breath and postures that will restore you to balance, help you relax your body and offer postures that will open and relax you body, mind and spirit.


Beginning Yoga

This class will explore different yoga poses and how they impact the body.  We will focus on proper alignment of the body and explore how the breath connects to the poses.  This is a slow, thoughtful class with individual attention given to each student. Come and learn how powerfully yoga can affect your life.


Renewal Yoga

Come renew your body and mind with this gentle relaxing yoga class.  Learn simple meditation practices to relax your mind after a busy day. Untether your body from stress with opening yoga postures.


Seated Stretching

This class is designed to be done sitting in a chair, the chair offers your body to be fully supported as you explore gentle yoga postures.  The chair is used as a support to work on standing balance posture. This class is well suited for anyone that may have had hip or knee replacements.


Strengthening Yoga

Strengthening Yoga class will bring you through a series of yoga poses that will strengthen your body from head to toe.  Each class will offer different poses to enhance various areas of the body.  We will work with the breath as we work through the poses.


Men’s Beginning Yoga

This is a men’s only class.  Men have different challenges with yoga postures. This class will give attention to the male anatomy and how yoga poses can enhances your life. We will gently work through different posture to open the body and release stored stress.


Tai Chi

Tai chi is an ancient exercise, requiring no special equipment or clothing.  is based on nature.  Its gentle flowing movements contain an inner power which strengthens the body and improves mental and physical balance and flexibility.  Scientific studies show that the practice of tai chi improves, and prevents, chronic conditions such as arthritis, heart disease and diabetes. Practicing daily improves balance, immunity, and reduces stress. In fact, tai chi improves practically every aspect of health.




Reiki is not philosophy; it is a system of natural healing that requires no system of belief. Reiki is the flow of Universal Life Energy.  Reiki allows us to be in intimate connection to this flow and freely share it with others.  Reiki generates a peacefulness that is Transforming in many lives. Reiki is not massage: Reiki can be done without touching.  Reiki is always done fully clothed.  Reiki is done for the greatest good of all concerned.

Call Judy for an appointment. 651-329-7854

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